Friday, May 24, 2013
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
April 29, 2013
April 22, 2013
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
April 15, 2013
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Buena’s Dias Herman’s, Hermanas, Papa, Y Mama,
Ha-ha this was a beautiful week here in Tampa and things are just going to keep getting even better! Yep Manny is getting baptized in May and now so is his son. President has not been able to come with us lately because of transfer preparations but now that that is over he should be coming. Garridos are going a little slower now. They have very catholic backgrounds and it is gonna be a bigger jump than they expected. They also have some family issues (a 22 year old anti-social daughter who does not want them to join who only wants to spend time with them on Sunday), But aside from that the Hermana is starting to really read the Book of Mormon and the father is just swell. However the coolest part is their little daughter named Alexa. She is super smart and loves us! She is 4!! However she sets up all her dolls in her room and teaches them about Joseph Smith and Nephi and Lehi and Alma and how we have to be baptized and repent and how we can be together as families if we are good. On top of that she doesn’t watch little kid movies anymore because she prefers to watch the Book of Mormon stories (the still life pictures with narration) or listen to them on the radio. So her mom and dad are always hearing about Nephi and the barca, Ammon and the brazos, Moroni and the planchas. Pretty cool right?? hahaha She is soo special! Oh she acts out all our family nights too! We once did this activity where I got up and did a little jig singing "Quiero Bailar" and then had everyone try to copy me exactly. Well there is a cough at the beginning so we were always saying "casi hermano! pero no fue perfecto" or "oh so close but it wasn’t perfect. So one day this little girl is
teaching her dolls and doing the jig and everything and her parents walk in on her and somehow they got her to do it later on film so we could all see it! haha It was one of the cutest things I have ever seen. As for the transfer calls we just got-- I am staying here for the next 6 weeks and Elder Durrant is staying too but we are getting a third companion who is a new missionary waiting for his visa to Argentina. So we are super excited and get to pick up our baby tomorrow! And my son (Elder Russell) is having a son (training) so I will have a grandson!!!!! Being a ripe old age has its blessings. Now I can spoil the lad and leave him to papa. hahahaha Can’t wait to actually be old!
As for our week we were able to meet and exceed all of our goals except for sacrament... We were somehow just very blessed and things just worked out very very well. However I had the phone when one of our favorite investigators Flavio called and pretty much told me we were a sect and that he could never believe in our church and that he had prayed really hard the night before because we had passed by--and he had a question come to his mind so he set out to find it. Well he called some missionaries that served in Puerto Rico quite a few years ago that had been the ones to start teaching him and to our beautiful luck they have gone off the deep end and are now Baptist pastors, BOTH OF THEM. Well they most kindly led him to much anti-doctrine and many a beautiful website that led him to believe that we are a cult and we have nothing but lies. I graciously took it and kinda told him that if he believed everything on the internet then we would have to come by and show him our horns, and a couple other things people like to say about Mormons. It ended up terribly but he said we could still come by we just couldn’t invite him to church nor talk about the Book of Mormon nor Joseph Smith nor anything like it. So we being called to work with they who are ready and humble of heart and poor in spirit will have to visit him occasionally now. Anyways asides from that we set 6 baptismal dates this week, 4 with the Hernandez family and 2 with Manny and his son. Then we found Isalivett who is super interested and is 11 and now she is reading the Book of Mormon and having her mom read it too! Pretty cool. She understands more than anyone I know. She comes over to the Hernandez home every time we are there so she can learn too. Because her mom is a little less interested. We also met a woman named Diana who has had probably one of the roughest lives I have ever heard of. She is from Mexico and had to go through so many things. I can’t believe she is still normal and believes in God. But it was probably one of the most special opportunities for me to be able to tell her that the message we share brings peace and comfort to those who are willing and ready to hear. She wants to learn soooo bad! She has some awesome stories about crossing the border too. Like after much happening she was alone in the desert bleeding and being chased by a dog when the border patrol lady called off the dog and told her which way to go to make it. She then realized she couldn’t go on any longer not having eaten or had anything to drink in a long time. She said she stretched out her hand and said "God I am in your hands, I cannot do this, carry me please." She said she closed her eyes and felt something guide her. Well she ends up in a city two hours drive from where she was. She had no idea how she got there. Just closed her eyes and pleaded. She then was reunited with her children and able to come here to Florida. She has been through sooo much more. I felt so much love and caught another glimpse of what the Savior had to suffer there in the garden as He performed the infinite atonement. We also just got introduced to a new Cuban family who was referred to us by a member. They had been really looking for a church and when Enrique (the son of the member) came to their house they asked what religion he was. He told them Mormon so the dad went online and found much info and then proceeded to ask Enrique who clarified some of it, The dad went back to the internet and then the next day or 2 we show up and for some reason I felt inspired to tell them we don’t believe in more than one wife and that we don’t worship Joseph Smith. We then gave him a card and told him to go there without knowing about any of this. He was super grateful and super excited to know more about us. They asked us to help move some things but that they would then love to have us over to teach. So super cool experience eh? The member called and told us that later that night. But asides from that we had some great lessons and a couple other cool experiences that have really helped settle me for the last full transfer before the extension. I am super excited and I love this work.
Hope you guys are all having lots of fun and getting ready because I am coming home soon!!! I love you with all my heart or as the Spanish say "con todo mi corazon!"
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
April 8 2013
Monday, April 15, 2013
March 26, 2013
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
March 18, 2013
Well my dear chaps I might say that this was just a fantastic week. We had a lot of success and I really have no idea where it came from. Not only did we have success but our zone took off!! We almost met every one of our goals as a zone and we had set some pretty high goals. I could not believe it! Just a sweet tender mercy from the Lord. For us alone we were able to get part of the Hernandez family to church and have the rest of the family committed for next week. We also got 4 new investigators and they are all pretty positive-- 2 of them live with our recent converts! So we are pretty excited. Oh and one of the members who left to Wauchula came back and is doing great and texted us to come over to his house to visit. We also found a Dominican family that is already part of the church except for her 9 year old daughter. She came to church with us this week and hopefully we can also start to teach her mother. I feel like I am good at attracting Dominicans. Also we are super close to getting a couple baptisms! like 3 super soon I hope. Then we also had a great family night and another less active came and participated in it with us. So now Monday night is a BIG night. We have like 1 or 2 investigator families attending and now quite a few less actives. We are also trying to get another set up with some members so hopefully that goes through this week. I went on an exchange with one of the district leaders in my old area of Tampa 5c and we got to see some people that I have really missed. We also got to find a new family because we knocked a door twice in a row. The mother told us that they had been looking for a church where they would just "get that feeling." Then her husband and I have played soccer together before and he recognized me so that was pretty cool because it’s been like 4 months. Also we got a very less active man back to church this Sunday who hasn’t been in a long time named Narciso. He came and loved it again. We really just saw so many blessings and it was so beautiful. I love this work! I know the Lord is speeding His work. I am so glad that I get to be a part of it and for everything I had to learn in the process. I remember back at the beginning when I had no idea about anything just a big ol desire to be the best I could. Well the Lord has taken that and with MUCH time and MUCH pressure I feel like things are just starting to come a little better. We are happy as clams and swell as whales. Plus the ward is doing awesome here too. Given the bishop had to pass through a stroke but that has not stopped him one bit. FIGHT FOR ZION HHOOOO HAAAAA!!! (I just wrote that so you all could hear mom say that as she reads this letter out loud. hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha) Family please join in the following;
Happy birthday mom! I love you soo very much! I hope you know I did remember your birthday and I have been trying to think about what I could give you but the idea didn’t come till just recently so it will have to be like a birthday mother’s day type thing. Please forgive me for my inabilities. But I am super excited to hear that you guys had such a fun trip. I hope it was everything you wanted it to be. Little girls I am so happy you had so much fun. Sorry to hear that the gorilla was so bipolar. It’s just that he’s jealous that he’s not a red haired gorilla. I have my schedule for all my classes because I had an appointment with my counselor. I am taking CIS 105 something about computers information, Microeconomics, Statistics, Sociology 101 and Public speaking. All of these classes will be on Tuesday and Thursday from about 9 in the morning till 6 at night. So not bad. I also have a break in between and I think I will keep it there and just take early morning institute. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Well I love you and have to go sorry this letter is so sporadic and terrible but next weeks will be better. I love you guys with all my heart, and can”t wait to see you all soon.
Monday, April 1, 2013
March 11, 2013
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Well it has been a great and wonderful week. I feel like a lot of great things have happened and I am happy to report back to you all. Super happy to hear that you guys get to go to Utah and that Aly is getting married. How beautiful is that? What a blessing to have found a priesthood holder to take her into the temple and to be sealed for time and eternity beginning the greatest adventure life can ever give us. Tell her how much I love her and how excited I am that this is happening! But as for you all I hope you enjoy your stay and vacation and that you really find time to relax and do some fun things. I love you guys so much and can’t wait to be there for probably the next one!!!! hahaha
As for this week I have some cool little things to share with you. So that family I talked about in the last letter is even more interesting! There are six of them that listen participate and ask good questions. They are from Mexico and actually studied with the Jehovah Witnesses for two years. (JW are really big over here but they try to avoid Mormons so there aren’t many in Arizona) So they were asking all sorts of questions and the mom already had a friend who tried to anti her but she completely rejected it and said she wanted to hear it from our mouths. hahhaha Also--we had contacted this guy on the street once named Pablo and he told us we could come over. So we have been calling him for a while and he is always very nice but says he is working. Well he happened to be one of the guys who live in that house!! Yea how crazy right? So they are doing good. It might be hard to get them to church because the mom and dad work on Sunday but they have 3 daughters and a brother who do not. It’s the Hernandez family by the way. We are excited to start with them. We also finally saw Flavio again and he is way positive and introduced us to his wife who he had said is very very Catholic and wanted nothing to do with us. He made great friends with Omar and then Omar helped him find work and a bike!! Yea Omar is on fire. We had an awesome lesson on faith and they asked us to come back. Also we caught up with Manny with President Summerhays and he is doing well. He is preparing to get married quickly so he can get baptized. He already knows and is ready for baptism he just has to get married. (It’s a weird financial thing) But something cool I wanted to share were two revelations I had recently. I had been praying for help with my investigators and some less actives when these two examples came to me. I have really been trying to write down revelations because the more care we give to what the Lord gives us the more He gives us. So these investigators have some addictions and its stopping them from progressing. Well I was asking for help to be able to say something that would make the difference and this is what came. We are like little infants learning to walk. After much time in the arms of our parents we find enough strength to stand on our own and soon to move. But those first times when we start moving we fall a lot. As we have seen in countless home videos usually whoever is trying to walk is super happy to be moving and then gets frustrated every time they fall and they cry and lay down and try to give up. Just like we do. We feel excited and are happy-- filled with joy at our accomplishments,and then we fall and feel disappointment with ourselves and many times get tired of trying, We get those "what’s the point" feelings as we kinda rub our faces in the carpet. Well just like in those videos usually the loving father and mother just smile and encourage, with such understanding, picking the little infant back up and setting it in position to begin to move again. Allowing the second chance and then the third and then however many it takes till they just start walking. In that very same way our Father in Heaven works with us. His love and patience is infinite. He will wait for us. We are his children. He knows our potential and He knows we can do it. When we fall His love becomes larger picking us up and putting us back at the starting position. Waiting for that day when we will finally begin to walk. Some times it takes longer to learn but we will learn as we allow Him to embrace us and we accept His encouragement knowing that He has faith in us. When we were able to share that with our less active He began to cry and I knew that that revelation had been specifically for him. I am so grateful that my Heavenly Father sees fit to use us as missionaries in bringing His sheep back. Second--leaving addictions and habits are like leaving water without a towel. We feel so cold at first and begin to shiver and shake as the winds blow upon the water droplets on our body. We want to return to the warmth we had in the water. But as we begin to dry we realize that it is better out of the water and that soon the water actually ends up being irritatingly cold and our desire ceases to be returning. I have never seen how powerful addictions can get until my mission. We will shake and shiver as the effects of what we got accustomed to wears off. We will want to return as the cold winds nip us even to the bone. I then realized that there is another heat source which we can look to while out of the water. That being Jesus Christ. As we embrace the Savior we feel the heat of His love and not only that but He also takes upon Himself the water that was on our body, helping us to recover more quickly. He truly atoned for our sins and was and is willing to bare our burdens if we will embrace Him and His atonement. I know and have witnessed the love of the Savior so many times on my mission. His forgiveness is unconditional. He has and will continue to lighten our loads and bring us to the peace, happiness and light of the gospel. I know He lives. I have never felt more than I do now that He is my older brother. I have prayed to Him so personally and have seen His hand in many things. I am still prescription 10 and sometimes those eggs are right in front of my face but I have seen and noticed His tender mercies. I have and do feel His love as I testify each and every chance I get. This is His work and I get to be a beautiful part of it. These stories are also tied into a one liner my president always says here in the mission that I actually had engraved in my heart before I even got to the field. "Repentance is a Beautiful thing." I encourage you all to never postpone any repentance that may need to be done. To do it now and with as much humility as you can muster. The Lord will not punish but you will feel His love and mercy as you come to realize how much you really do need Him. He is everything! I love you guys and hope you are growing spiritually each day. I cannot wait for the adventures ahead!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
March 4, 2013
February 25, 2013
Monday, March 4, 2013
February 19, 2013
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Well this week was quite different. Beautiful in many ways and kinda slow at the same time. But first I must thank you guys for the wonderful and greatly detailed letters. I truly appreciate them. Mom I will try to send you my pictures but I don’t know how many more I have really taken. I will see if I can send home my hard-drive and my most recent camera card. By the way I found the other one that I thought you had lost.... Yep I admit it and I am repenting of it. So very sorry about that. Also I did get the package! It was awesome and I destroyed it! hahaha I love those cookie and creme drops!!! Also I think it did get here on Valentines Day. It may have been on the day before but hey I ain’t complainin. Thank you so much for always making my holidays more special!
So this week I had some of the most beautiful moments of my life! It was one of those pay off weeks. I just had it reconfirmed to me that my work is good and that I am doing well. In other words--there were many a tender mercies going around. To start off (not really a tender mercy) I won in racquetball and stayed as king of the court the whole entire time!! hahahaha but just barely. Aside from that we have been able to change our teaching methods a little and the results are fantastic!! We have the two families, Colon and Garrido, and they are both progressing very well but kinda not progressing because they can never come to church. So we have kinda been thinking about maybe slowing down with them, plus I am kinda the type to want to work only with those who are on fire, Ready and prepared to receive the gospel and make covenants. But--with these two families I have learned so much patience and my ability to love has grown so much more. First we had a wonderful lesson with the Colon’s on Tuesday where we went back over the plan of salvation and we invited them to say a 5 min prayer asking only one question and just waiting in prayer to see if an answer came. Well we went back on Thursday and when we asked about how the prayers had gone the father (who has always kinda been against religion but likes to listen to us and has said multiple times "I won’t get baptized till I know for sure that it’s the right one") doesn’t really answer the question but he looks at me and says "You know the other day I was talking with my wife and it’s kinda personal stuff but I feel like I am getting there. I feel like I want to do this and I will probably do it before you leave." I felt the spirit so strong in that moment. Realizing how much he had to have come to say that. It’s hard to describe what he was like before but it is a big change and he said instead of being baptized after his wife he would like to lead her there. I just know this gospel is true. I wish you could be here to see and feel what I felt when he said that. I felt so humbled and privileged to be able to hear it. In all honesty it’s not that huge but really it is. Then with the Garridos we really were able to have an awesome lesson with them about prayers and we shared experiences about when we had felt the spirit. It was the first time in a long time that someone had asked me to share my story of conversion. I like always-- felt again the same feeling I felt then. It was fantastic and they are really diving into the Book of Mormon now. Also we went on exchanges yesterday and today and I went back to my old area--Tampa 5c. Well I felt bad because I pretty much planned the day out for the elders because Jaqueline and the llanos family had asked me when I was coming down and if I would go see them. So we went to see llanos (we got to baptize their daughter Brideli) and they cooked me what I had asked them to cook me which were empanadas. But not the Mcdonalds apple pastry kind. The really good kind. It was just very fun to be over there and I felt so much love for that family. The Hermana had kinda been less active before we went over and now she just got called to be the Relief Society secretary. She was so grateful and just kept expressing how grateful she was for all the help we had been able to give her. I felt again my love increase not only for her and her family but also for my loving Heavenly Father. He truly knows me. I can’t wait to be able to see her and her parents enter the temple again someday to be sealed for all time and eternity. Then we went to Jaqueline’s house and well it was also beautiful. We had helped her move in and so I got to see it all complete and it was beautiful! Not to mention after I left she was able to get baptized due to some very serious things happening. Anyways she had bought cake and cookies to share with us and then on top of that she bought me and Elder Russell (which we are not even her elders anymore) cologne which was so nice and then she expressed her gratitude for everything we had done to help her and for having shared the gospel with her. Sometimes as missionaries we forget what we are sharing and the power it has to change lives, but last night I was reminded of how marvelous and wonderful it is. The gospel is a light unto the world. It brings peace to those who have none and offers comfort to the weary. I love it with all my heart and wish that I could do this forever! Of course you all would have to move here to Florida because I don’t know how much longer I can make it. I feel so much joy and happiness and have come to know so much more strongly than ever before. I love you guys and miss you so much.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
February 11, 2013
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Well I am super sorry but this is one of those not so much time to write and get out everything I would like to weeks but I will try my best. The reason is we are getting two new sister missionaries in our zone and they are opening an area that was previously run by elders. We as zone leaders have to make sure that everything goes smoothly because its not transfer week but these sisters left the MTC early. (One of the sisters will be older who is opening the area) So we are doing that and we have to give our car up and we have to pick up Elders from South Tampa so they can come up to pday. So a bunch of little things and I just hope we are able to enjoy pday enough to be satisfied and ready for the week. I find that a pday enjoyed is super important, because if Elders cant get it out on pday sometimes they will find other times during the week to play games or something. So we try to make pdays great. hahaha Also I have no idea about transfers because I really could leave but if I don’t-- most likely I will finish my mission here... Yes tracting has been going on a lot lately mostly because a bunch of our positive people have been slowing down due to new jobs or illness or something but hopefully this week picks right back up. Plus all the members and stuff are starting to set appts with us so I think its mostly just because I am taking this area after one transfer so there is a little de-bumping to do. But it's getting better. Plus I love tracting. We found a new guy named Flavio who was learning with the missionaries for a year and a half in Puerto Rico and now wants to start learning again. Hopefully we can really help him out. We also found a pretty cool new family called the Montez family from Cuba and they have yet to listen to us but have invited us over this week. So there is some good things coming from it. The districts are doing good and getting a lot better. We have been doing a lot of accountability and
holding people responsible for the goals they set and its awesome to see their improvements. They get excited to report when they see success so they strive for it. Plus I feel so much love and excitement too when I hear and see their happiness. The work is going forth.As for meeting with the missionaries-- we have district meeting on Wed and we alternate which district we go to, We also have zone conference once every other month and we as zone leaders have zone leader council and then with our zone-- zone leader training (its like a district meeting but we give the training) also we usually have zone leader district leader council where all the district leaders and zone leaders go. So as zone leaders we see other people pretty often. As for talking with President Summerhayes, yes we talk quite a bit, especially as of lately considering his excitement for us extending--the areas in our zone opening-- questions that come from our zone-- presidents breakfast (every 5th week of the transfer)-- planning for our extension-- giving trainings, and all the councils and meetings. So yes we do. hahaha With members we do eat a lot but like I said it is just taking time for me to get a hold on this area and to know everyone’s time and such but we now have about 5-6 set meals every week--whether they are lunch or dinner. Also about Bryant that is so exciting!! I am super happy to hear that he finally gets to hit the field. I know he is going to be an awesome missionary and that he will see much success! I feel like Ammon hahaha My brethren going out to preach the restored and most wonderful gospel. There is no better thing.
As for this week I truly appreciate all the fill ins you always give me. They are super appreciated and I am glad to hear that everything is going so well. Keep it up! As for what’s going on here its getting good. We finally had some people come to church and IT was awesome. Since I have been in Tampa soo long the ward knows me and trusts me a lot. Like if I ask for some friend-shipping with certain people-- they are all on it! We were taught about the 15 names list and I set up all the appts and meetings and now they are just really trying to go for it. The bishopric just got changed so things are catching fire and things are being done right. Its the first actual Hispanic bishop in the Hispanic ward I believe in forever. So they, the Hispanics, are just pumped to show their stuff. But to return to the people at church it was the Berrios (who sadly we actually have to hand over to the sisters coming in) and I was sooo happy to see them there at church. All the leaders came over to me asked their names and then I really didn’t have to do anything else. They were seated near the front, I think the whole ward shook their hand and gave them the Hispanic kiss. They were taught how to read the hymns, told about how the meetings will go, showed and explained the symbolism and sacredness of everything and then the mother actually got up and sang with the whole Relief Society!! She was crying and I just know the Spirit was burning inside them. I can not describe how happy I was to see the members taking such good care of these people who we have tried so hard to work with. It was really a tender mercy of the Lord and now the sisters are pretty much guaranteed two to 4 (they have two daughters who didn’t come) baptisms. Fellowshipping is a responsibility we have as members in the church, You never know the effect you will have on someone’s life just by introducing yourself. Remember Brother Bailey and dad?? Also I really wanted to share an experience I had just last night. We were trying to go to see a family but we were stuck outside the gate of the complex. We called the member (Omar Betancourt) who is our ward missionary and recent convert (he is on fire! gospel wise) and he ends up having to come and get us at the gate. So you have to understand that Omar is an older guy, Very active and very talkative and personable, but he is kinda lonely because he has his wife who works and his dog who almost eats us and then he is retired and has diabetes. So he studies and comes out with us whenever we need him. The only thing is that when we go to his house it’s at least an hour before we leave due to him loving to have us over. So--he signals us to come over to his house and thinking about that family I really wanted to say no but something just relaxed inside and we headed over to his house. We get there and have a great conversation but somehow as we are talking it comes out, It being his greatest regret. I have never seen Omar cry but last night he did as I felt something I have never felt before or at least so strongly. He is talking to us and with diabetes he knows he probably doesn’t have much more time to live. So as he’s talking he says "my biggest regret is that I didn’t get to know the church sooner, for if I had known I could have done so much more for my Lord." Those words really kinda hit me in the core. I had been thinking about how my mission is just like a mini life cycle. We get pre-trained, we come to "the field", we learn and grow through experiences and trials, we teach two years and then we "die" and return to our family our mothers and fathers. I realized that our lives are the same. I realized when Omar said that-- how blessed I have been to be born under the covenant, to have been born into the true church, the only one on the face of the earth, to have been raised by wonderful parents who taught me about the scriptures and doctrines. It put into my heart a new fire as I realized just how little time is left and how much I have to do. I felt the spirit so strong witness once again the importance of what I am doing and the blessing it is to be out here. I am so glad that I have been blessed and allowed to serve a mission to my Heavenly Father and to have been able to give Him everything I have and to still be able to do that today and tomorrow for a little more time. I just know this church is true and that the work I am doing will leave everlasting effects upon so many people. I feel like Omar and hope with all my might that I am able to do as much good as I can. We have the greatest treasure in all the world!! I can’t tell you the joy I feel sharing this treasure with anyone who will listen. I know this gospel will change our lives and I am really starting to understand who is my Father in Heaven and what He has in store for me. I love you guys and hope that everything goes great this week. Happy Valentines day! You guys truly are my greatest blessing.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
February 4, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
January 28, 2013
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