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Well I am super sorry but this is one of those not so much time to write and get out everything I would like to weeks but I will try my best. The reason is we are getting two new sister missionaries in our zone and they are opening an area that was previously run by elders. We as zone leaders have to make sure that everything goes smoothly because its not transfer week but these sisters left the MTC early. (One of the sisters will be older who is opening the area) So we are doing that and we have to give our car up and we have to pick up Elders from South Tampa so they can come up to pday. So a bunch of little things and I just hope we are able to enjoy pday enough to be satisfied and ready for the week. I find that a pday enjoyed is super important, because if Elders cant get it out on pday sometimes they will find other times during the week to play games or something. So we try to make pdays great. hahaha Also I have no idea about transfers because I really could leave but if I don’t-- most likely I will finish my mission here... Yes tracting has been going on a lot lately mostly because a bunch of our positive people have been slowing down due to new jobs or illness or something but hopefully this week picks right back up. Plus all the members and stuff are starting to set appts with us so I think its mostly just because I am taking this area after one transfer so there is a little de-bumping to do. But it's getting better. Plus I love tracting. We found a new guy named Flavio who was learning with the missionaries for a year and a half in Puerto Rico and now wants to start learning again. Hopefully we can really help him out. We also found a pretty cool new family called the Montez family from Cuba and they have yet to listen to us but have invited us over this week. So there is some good things coming from it. The districts are doing good and getting a lot better. We have been doing a lot of accountability and
holding people responsible for the goals they set and its awesome to see their improvements. They get excited to report when they see success so they strive for it. Plus I feel so much love and excitement too when I hear and see their happiness. The work is going forth.As for meeting with the missionaries-- we have district meeting on Wed and we alternate which district we go to, We also have zone conference once every other month and we as zone leaders have zone leader council and then with our zone-- zone leader training (its like a district meeting but we give the training) also we usually have zone leader district leader council where all the district leaders and zone leaders go. So as zone leaders we see other people pretty often. As for talking with President Summerhayes, yes we talk quite a bit, especially as of lately considering his excitement for us extending--the areas in our zone opening-- questions that come from our zone-- presidents breakfast (every 5th week of the transfer)-- planning for our extension-- giving trainings, and all the councils and meetings. So yes we do. hahaha With members we do eat a lot but like I said it is just taking time for me to get a hold on this area and to know everyone’s time and such but we now have about 5-6 set meals every week--whether they are lunch or dinner. Also about Bryant that is so exciting!! I am super happy to hear that he finally gets to hit the field. I know he is going to be an awesome missionary and that he will see much success! I feel like Ammon hahaha My brethren going out to preach the restored and most wonderful gospel. There is no better thing.
As for this week I truly appreciate all the fill ins you always give me. They are super appreciated and I am glad to hear that everything is going so well. Keep it up! As for what’s going on here its getting good. We finally had some people come to church and IT was awesome. Since I have been in Tampa soo long the ward knows me and trusts me a lot. Like if I ask for some friend-shipping with certain people-- they are all on it! We were taught about the 15 names list and I set up all the appts and meetings and now they are just really trying to go for it. The bishopric just got changed so things are catching fire and things are being done right. Its the first actual Hispanic bishop in the Hispanic ward I believe in forever. So they, the Hispanics, are just pumped to show their stuff. But to return to the people at church it was the Berrios (who sadly we actually have to hand over to the sisters coming in) and I was sooo happy to see them there at church. All the leaders came over to me asked their names and then I really didn’t have to do anything else. They were seated near the front, I think the whole ward shook their hand and gave them the Hispanic kiss. They were taught how to read the hymns, told about how the meetings will go, showed and explained the symbolism and sacredness of everything and then the mother actually got up and sang with the whole Relief Society!! She was crying and I just know the Spirit was burning inside them. I can not describe how happy I was to see the members taking such good care of these people who we have tried so hard to work with. It was really a tender mercy of the Lord and now the sisters are pretty much guaranteed two to 4 (they have two daughters who didn’t come) baptisms. Fellowshipping is a responsibility we have as members in the church, You never know the effect you will have on someone’s life just by introducing yourself. Remember Brother Bailey and dad?? Also I really wanted to share an experience I had just last night. We were trying to go to see a family but we were stuck outside the gate of the complex. We called the member (Omar Betancourt) who is our ward missionary and recent convert (he is on fire! gospel wise) and he ends up having to come and get us at the gate. So you have to understand that Omar is an older guy, Very active and very talkative and personable, but he is kinda lonely because he has his wife who works and his dog who almost eats us and then he is retired and has diabetes. So he studies and comes out with us whenever we need him. The only thing is that when we go to his house it’s at least an hour before we leave due to him loving to have us over. So--he signals us to come over to his house and thinking about that family I really wanted to say no but something just relaxed inside and we headed over to his house. We get there and have a great conversation but somehow as we are talking it comes out, It being his greatest regret. I have never seen Omar cry but last night he did as I felt something I have never felt before or at least so strongly. He is talking to us and with diabetes he knows he probably doesn’t have much more time to live. So as he’s talking he says "my biggest regret is that I didn’t get to know the church sooner, for if I had known I could have done so much more for my Lord." Those words really kinda hit me in the core. I had been thinking about how my mission is just like a mini life cycle. We get pre-trained, we come to "the field", we learn and grow through experiences and trials, we teach two years and then we "die" and return to our family our mothers and fathers. I realized that our lives are the same. I realized when Omar said that-- how blessed I have been to be born under the covenant, to have been born into the true church, the only one on the face of the earth, to have been raised by wonderful parents who taught me about the scriptures and doctrines. It put into my heart a new fire as I realized just how little time is left and how much I have to do. I felt the spirit so strong witness once again the importance of what I am doing and the blessing it is to be out here. I am so glad that I have been blessed and allowed to serve a mission to my Heavenly Father and to have been able to give Him everything I have and to still be able to do that today and tomorrow for a little more time. I just know this church is true and that the work I am doing will leave everlasting effects upon so many people. I feel like Omar and hope with all my might that I am able to do as much good as I can. We have the greatest treasure in all the world!! I can’t tell you the joy I feel sharing this treasure with anyone who will listen. I know this gospel will change our lives and I am really starting to understand who is my Father in Heaven and what He has in store for me. I love you guys and hope that everything goes great this week. Happy Valentines day! You guys truly are my greatest blessing.