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Well this week was once again awesome but I must first say that I am so happy that the vacation turned out so well and that you all had so much fun. I wish I could say the same about having to wear a jacket but alas I cannot, the heat here is pretty awful but I love Florida so it makes up for it. I was so glad to hear that you guys got to see and do so many cool things. Thank you mom for being a master planner. I have to take lessons from you so that someday my vacations will be just as good. I also seriously appreciate the PICTURES... ha-ha Also mom I still haven’t found the card and everything else is good for right now.
So Jelly Belly Factory eh? It’s funny because we have been having such a great time lately getting the Jelly Belly bags and laughing as someone gets an awful flavor. Usually I get roasted popcorn of death. It must be the ginger fingers that bring it out. haha And how cool that you guys got to see all those cool things about Pixar. I love that kinda stuff and I hope you guys will tell me more about it when I get home. Kinda weird that that is probably the last vacation without me. TIME, it moves far too fast. Also might I say that you guys all look awesome in those pictures--like models or something sheesh. Sorry I don’t have much time today but I thought I would tell you guys a little about our week and such. We don’t know if we are moving but most likely one of us is leaving. I kinda and seriously hope that I stay but if not I am good with that too. This week was pretty cool due to the fact that we saw a ton of people and got a lot of work done. A lot of it was less actives but it was cool to see some of them in church. We had probably 50-60 and that’s great for this area. The members here are so cool and you can really feel some love when you talk to them. They all seem to like us and they get freaked out when we tell them that transfers are coming and even when we don’t too. haha We just have some seriously good things going on. However at the same time we had veronica the lady with 11 kids leave to Bradenton and then Samuel just kinda disappeared. We call him every day and he won’t answer. We think he is headed back to Puerto Rico to go and be with his family. Its terribly sad but right now that’s probably best for him. This week we also had a switch and I went up to be in Apollo Beach with the English Elder Roberts. It was a lot of fun but I was once again reminded of why my like for white people is diminishing. They are just so mean and out here in the south redneck kind of trashy and just nasty mean. I mean they just reject everything and have no qualms with just being completely rude and offensive. Like at least Hispanics will acknowledge you and say sorry I am not interested. It’s just a different world. We had a sweet lesson with this guy named Victor and we actually soft committed him to baptism but we are not sure if he will ever real commit. Then yesterday one of the members in our ward gave an awesome lesson and explained very clearly to our investigator why baptism was necessary and then bore his testimony. Well needless to say he asked us to come over on Tuesday and we plan to set his date there. We also went mountain biking again and it was again exhilarating. We are just doing great and because we have a lot going on time just flies and now there is another transfer over and done with. 6 weeks that is almost a whole quarter of school! Yea it really kinda puts it in perspective. Like 9 transfers left--or less not sure. Well I love you guys and I am sorry this is so short and not very informative but I hope you know that I love you and miss you all very much. I hope you finish the summer well and that many adventures are had.
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