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I am filled to the brim with such happiness after reading all of your letters, being fed by the apostles and the prophet, and after such an awesome week! I sometimes just sit on my little couch and just think about how happy I am and how much love I have for you and for everyone else. haha it is sometimes overwhelming--in a beautiful way. I just love you guys and am soo excited to have a whole lifetime with you all, not to mention the infinities. How great and beautiful was Conference? I feel like they had peered into my soul and taken bits and pieces and used them to form their talks. It is just awesome how the Lord works.
Well things here are going really well. Baby boy Russell is handsome and strappling, a man of valor and sound understanding. I love him and we are just enjoying every minute, even though a ton of what we have been doing lately is tracting--day in and day out. I have finally come to the point where I LOVE tracting. Its like "oh who’s behind the next door?" and I always feel like Alma and Amulek when the doors slam so it’s quite invigorating. I also have really come to enjoy loving people at rapid rates. hahaha So yes we have been tracting a ton, but that’s what is suppose to be done. However we also have a good mixture of less actives and member lessons which are already showing signs of help for us. I can’t believe how straightforward the very apostles and prophet were with being missionaries. I hope you guys make every effort to start being a referral giving family. It’s the only way the work will get done. Every one of us needs to add our 1/12th of the teaspoon to that pound of honey! haha great example eh? Also we have tons of people to work with. The Lord keeps putting people in every place and we are just seeing so much success. Like I have never been so successful with knocking doors. but well come back to this.
Well this week we found 3 new people. 1 was a lady named Nancy who called us up and asked us to come over out of nowhere!! We set a baptismal date the first lesson, then 2 was the father of a lady we had taught who have two kids. His lesson was awesome and he actually prayed for like 7 min straight! 3 was another miracle! Last night after conf we got bailed on by a lot of people like plans and backups alike so I decided to go start doing some follow ups. We saw people but they only wanted to set up for other times during the week. Awesome right? This means I get to listen to the Spirit. So at about 8 at night I am looking through my list and I get this feeling about this guy we knocked into. Soo I put in like 2nd place behind someone who ends up setting another return time. So again this name comes to me and I decide to just go check on him. He had been fixing a toilet when we knocked his door so not much of a good relationship or nothing but we go anyways. Well we knock the door I wrote down and this pretty buff ripped guy opens the door. I ask him if Esterno is there and he kinda laughs and says no wrong number kinda jokingly. I even went so far as to ask him if they had recently had their toilet fixed! hahahahaha I was kinda like scramblin to find this guy. But the guy says no and kinda starts to close the door when all of a sudden Elder beautiful Russell pops the intro in Spanish which is still pretty hard for him. I of course come back and we start. We end up asking him if he knows anything about the Mormons. He said I know you don’t drink coffee. Perfect I think!! Now I got him!! hahaha I ask do you know why we don’t drink coffee? To which he replies no. I then testify that there is a prophet on the earth today who receives revelation for us and what he has said is that our bodies are temples and we should not partake of such things. He then goes "do you want to come in?" so at 8:10 at night we find this man who actually has been perfectly prepared. He was asking so many questions and told us how he had been searching all over in Cuba praying to find the true church. He led himself through the first lesson and asked so many questions about the atonement which he didn’t know about. He kept asking about forgiveness and saying God will always forgive us to the which we showed him a scripture in second Nephi that says the atonement is infinite and eternal. He just got soo excited and told us to come back whenever and as much as we could. He finished with a fervent and specific prayer asking if the Book of Mormon was true. How cool is that?? The Lord is powerful and strategic. I love to be a small part of this wonderful work. Not only that we set 2 other baptismal dates this week with a couple who are not yet married. Tomassa and Enrique. Both are just super positive and were asking us to tell them what not to do so they could do better or get closer to God. However we had run out of time so that lesson is tonight and I am super excited to talk about chastity! hahahahahaha This is my comps second time in 2 weeks. Well of course we also talked with a boy who doesn’t believe in God but rather an African deity and its saints. It’s a weird and kinda scary religion and when we talked about God I think he really liked it. Martel is his name. Also we ate at a Columbian restaurant that an investigator owns that was soooo stinkin good! Oh my dear I have to take you guys out when we come back! Let me tell ya! Well I do have to go so I love you and I hope you know how happy and great I am doing. I hope you all are just dieing to build a close relationship with a father who loves you and knows you better than anyone else.
(ps please excuse my excess in exclamatory punctuation, I am trying to become a more exciting texter and now 1 excalmation point just doesn’t feel sufficient. hahaha)
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