October 24, 2011
Time for the weekly furious typing to commence and for the hand cramps to
be ever present hahaha. They are definitely worth it though. Well Transfers
happened and I guess the Lord has seen fit to put me in a little bit of a trial
haha. Lets just say I am going to the middle of nowhere where they speak
extremely small amounts of spanish, the nearest other missionaries are a half
hour away, we are full car due to the distances of everyone... Yes everyone I
have been exiled (I only say exiled because this is seriously the place that
everyone calls exile) to WAUCHULA to serve with guess who? My MTC companion.
Elder Clark. I can honestly say I am kinda nervous which is weird for me because
usually I don't get to nervous about anything hence the crazyness. haha NAW I am actually kinda excited. Adventures await and I most likely will grow and learn a lot. We have become better friends since the MTC so we'll see. All of this was made just a little worse because as I am starting to say my goodbyes at church and get pictures a couple people got a little teary eyed and then the
bishop had me give my testimony and I looked out over the ward and it really kind of hit me how much of a part of it I was. Everyone was looking at me. Like all the kids and every adult and all of seriously everyone. haha It was cool and I really just felt soo much love and care for all of them. Each and every person had something so special and had given me some sort of an experience as a beginning missionary. Not gonna lie it will be super hard to leave this place. We took some pictures and stuff and I still have to say some of my goodbyes but I leave tomorrow. Oh yea we had a couple dinners last night too with some of our more favorite families (not that I don't like all of them just that some are a little more closer to the heart) and after dinner one of the kids in the families gave me a teddy bear and a note that said I would be missed Very much. haha It reminded me so much of my little sisters and how every birthday they give me one of their precious toys hahaha awww I am seriously going to miss this place. The lord always waits for us to get comfortable and then he kinda chucks us into the purifying fire. haha For example. I am in an awesome area with pretty much only spanish, with a best friend for a companion, tons of new investigators, a ward that started to love me, other missionary friends to build me up, weights to work out with, Pdays filled with tons of stuff to do, and not to mention two baptismal dates for this week. but all is swell. I am headed on to a bigger adventure one that might actually prove hard haha But i look forward to it and I know I can overcome all things with my Lord and Savior. He understands us when no one else can. I love my Heavenly Father and I love Jesus Christ and I will go and do whatever is required. or at least I will give it the best chantz attempt possible haha. As for other and more upbeat but in the past stuff, we did have some cool things happen this week. We had a Culture night where everyone in the ward set up a table and brought a certain plate and decorations from their country. We had quite a good turn out and the food was awesome. Lots of cool dances and singing and all sorts of cultural things that really just interested me. It helps us to understand why people are different from others or why certain things are cool
with certain people while with others it is not. haha What I really learned is that Latinos have quite a bit of patriotism to their country. It was almost a battle for who could have the best food and who ate the most from which table and things like that. We as missionaries even set up a table for America and we had half a table for spiritual since right now that is our culture. SO one half had burgers, brownies, and roast beef, while the other had BOMs and Pamphlets and Pass a Longs. We provided people a way to never hunger or thirst again haha it was our slogan that we tried to use to get others to take the books and things haha. Always doing missionary work. We also did a youth activity where the youth came tracting with us and they had to give out a book of mormon to someone with us. it turned out pretty interesting and I think our kid got way
freaked out. We ran into like 4 houses that reeked of pot and one lady said she used to be mormon but was judged and left this she did while her half naked husband came and pretty much shooed us away. Hows that for strange. haha Poor kid.... hahahaahahaha Good times good times. Well we also had quite a few visits and we are starting to get return appts. so we are excited for that but I am leaving so I am as excited as you think I am. haha Now as for you all. Wow I loved the letters this week. They were fantastic and I love seeing how all of them fit you so much. haha Good to hear that everything is still going good. I am however surprised to hear Scott's getting married. He is quite the legend out here let me tell ya. Everyone knew him and liked him. So I'm not surprised he is a go getter done but that just seemed rather swift like. Well I guarantee they will be able to make it though. They both are just awesome. Send me the pictures and tell Scott all the other missionaries around me while writing this letter
(Larson, Paget, Lopez, Volgelsburg, Marchetti, and titmus) think its awesome.Well I love you guys and I really do miss you but I am on quite the adventure out here and if we compare the mission to a video game I am headed for the boss battle. Should be epic and legendary. hahaha I will keep you all posted on how things play out.
Time for the weekly furious typing to commence and for the hand cramps to
be ever present hahaha. They are definitely worth it though. Well Transfers
happened and I guess the Lord has seen fit to put me in a little bit of a trial
haha. Lets just say I am going to the middle of nowhere where they speak
extremely small amounts of spanish, the nearest other missionaries are a half
hour away, we are full car due to the distances of everyone... Yes everyone I
have been exiled (I only say exiled because this is seriously the place that
everyone calls exile) to WAUCHULA to serve with guess who? My MTC companion.
Elder Clark. I can honestly say I am kinda nervous which is weird for me because
usually I don't get to nervous about anything hence the crazyness. haha NAW I am actually kinda excited. Adventures await and I most likely will grow and learn a lot. We have become better friends since the MTC so we'll see. All of this was made just a little worse because as I am starting to say my goodbyes at church and get pictures a couple people got a little teary eyed and then the
bishop had me give my testimony and I looked out over the ward and it really kind of hit me how much of a part of it I was. Everyone was looking at me. Like all the kids and every adult and all of seriously everyone. haha It was cool and I really just felt soo much love and care for all of them. Each and every person had something so special and had given me some sort of an experience as a beginning missionary. Not gonna lie it will be super hard to leave this place. We took some pictures and stuff and I still have to say some of my goodbyes but I leave tomorrow. Oh yea we had a couple dinners last night too with some of our more favorite families (not that I don't like all of them just that some are a little more closer to the heart) and after dinner one of the kids in the families gave me a teddy bear and a note that said I would be missed Very much. haha It reminded me so much of my little sisters and how every birthday they give me one of their precious toys hahaha awww I am seriously going to miss this place. The lord always waits for us to get comfortable and then he kinda chucks us into the purifying fire. haha For example. I am in an awesome area with pretty much only spanish, with a best friend for a companion, tons of new investigators, a ward that started to love me, other missionary friends to build me up, weights to work out with, Pdays filled with tons of stuff to do, and not to mention two baptismal dates for this week. but all is swell. I am headed on to a bigger adventure one that might actually prove hard haha But i look forward to it and I know I can overcome all things with my Lord and Savior. He understands us when no one else can. I love my Heavenly Father and I love Jesus Christ and I will go and do whatever is required. or at least I will give it the best chantz attempt possible haha. As for other and more upbeat but in the past stuff, we did have some cool things happen this week. We had a Culture night where everyone in the ward set up a table and brought a certain plate and decorations from their country. We had quite a good turn out and the food was awesome. Lots of cool dances and singing and all sorts of cultural things that really just interested me. It helps us to understand why people are different from others or why certain things are cool
with certain people while with others it is not. haha What I really learned is that Latinos have quite a bit of patriotism to their country. It was almost a battle for who could have the best food and who ate the most from which table and things like that. We as missionaries even set up a table for America and we had half a table for spiritual since right now that is our culture. SO one half had burgers, brownies, and roast beef, while the other had BOMs and Pamphlets and Pass a Longs. We provided people a way to never hunger or thirst again haha it was our slogan that we tried to use to get others to take the books and things haha. Always doing missionary work. We also did a youth activity where the youth came tracting with us and they had to give out a book of mormon to someone with us. it turned out pretty interesting and I think our kid got way
freaked out. We ran into like 4 houses that reeked of pot and one lady said she used to be mormon but was judged and left this she did while her half naked husband came and pretty much shooed us away. Hows that for strange. haha Poor kid.... hahahaahahaha Good times good times. Well we also had quite a few visits and we are starting to get return appts. so we are excited for that but I am leaving so I am as excited as you think I am. haha Now as for you all. Wow I loved the letters this week. They were fantastic and I love seeing how all of them fit you so much. haha Good to hear that everything is still going good. I am however surprised to hear Scott's getting married. He is quite the legend out here let me tell ya. Everyone knew him and liked him. So I'm not surprised he is a go getter done but that just seemed rather swift like. Well I guarantee they will be able to make it though. They both are just awesome. Send me the pictures and tell Scott all the other missionaries around me while writing this letter
(Larson, Paget, Lopez, Volgelsburg, Marchetti, and titmus) think its awesome.Well I love you guys and I really do miss you but I am on quite the adventure out here and if we compare the mission to a video game I am headed for the boss battle. Should be epic and legendary. hahaha I will keep you all posted on how things play out.
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