Hola Querido Familia!
Once again another week has gone by with the swiftness of a gazelle and much has happened. To start, like always I want to thank you for all the nice letters. THey are super importante out here as they remind me of why I came out and that I always have a family who loves and supports me. Thanks. As for the money issue with me I might need some more money on my card because this week i had to pay for new bike tires and I had to get my bike fixed. I had tried everything to fix it on my own but my brakes were just messed up and because the brakes are so important I thought maybe i should just get this fixed. haha And the money came off my card because I have to make it through the month on my jp morgan with food. And now that i weigh a little more I eat quite a bit more so food is rather important. hahaha But I really am happy everything is going so swell and that life is still exciting back there in az haha I love reading all the stories and hearing how you all are doing.
As for me and how things are going here, Things are pretty great. My comp and I are like best friends and we enjoy going out everyday and we push each other to become better so its quite the relationship. Not to mention we now have hit the point where wrestling matches after planning are almost inevitable. haha Its a pretty fair fight because he is a farm boy and has quite a bit of weight and strength over me but I have the moves. haha so good times good times. We work and we work and we work and then we plan and then we are out the door and we work. haha its crazy because these past six weeks have gone by too fast. We both are hoping for a couple more transfers together, which I think might happen. I dont know too much about it all I know is that in my presidents interview he told us he wanted me and elder larson to start the twelve week program which is the program for all the new missionaries coming in so either we train of me and elder larson have twelve more weeks together! Score! haha As for the Other missionaries here things are awesome. I love all of them and I really think it will make me so sad to leave this language zone when I have to. But asides from that the work is going well. We are finding and teaching many new people and we are starting to get into the second lessons with some of them but we are yet to get some confirmed and stable people. Like I said when my last comp left I had three people to work with. Lupita who was baptized and jose who we are really working on and Glielber who is an eternigator or someone who will never change and progress but listens to the lessons. So Not much let me tell ya. haha But now we have about 7 progressing investigators with about 15 or 16 investigators and about 30 or more potentials who told us we could come back. haha We are actually starting to get to the point where we are getting about 3 or 4 lessons a day instead of 1 or 2 and I am aiming to have about 5 to 6 so we are really trying to buckle down and get some serious work done. haha Its awesome because this area that I am in used to be despised I guess haha because it was soo slow or something at least thats what all the other missionaries say. But now things are awesome and we are finding and the ward is picking up and things are really starting to move along. We just Baptized Lupita Guillen and now we have a baptismal date with rachel Perez (15 year old girl who has been progressing like soo slowly.) and with this lady named marina who is very difficult to get to actually do stuff because she has an autistic child named jacklyn and she has no car and she works at the mall. So things are tricky with her but she said she wants to be baptized and that she recieved an answer to her prayers. sooo We are working very hard with her. We also are working with This guy named Jose Dirienzo. he is 18 and is kinda a skater punk partier but we were talking to him this week and we discovered that he really is kinda depressed because he doesnt like doing those things but its what all his friends do and he doesnt like to drink so his friends make fun of him and then after all that he has to take care of them at the end of the night. So it really kinda stinks for him. We talked with him for like two hours but by the end he was all happy and super positive and was like when are you guys coming back? haha so cool things come to those who listen. Asides from that we have some other investigators that were progressing but for the past little while we have had some trouble finding time to get with them. But With the other investigators who are not yet considered progressing (which is only because we have only had a first lesson with them) but the cool thing is is that they are families not just ones or twos but like 3 or 4 and we are super excited to get working with them! The lord guides us when we are trying our best. haha As for a story I have quite a tale for you all. So there we were riding around trying to get some return appts set with some of our potentials and then as we ride up to veronicas house we are stopped by her little boy jose who i have pictures of. He is a little nugget just like clay was and I serious think he is the most awesome kid ever. haha Well he is the son of veronica and he decides he wants to show us all his shoes and a bunch of his toys. So were being shown all these things and all of a sudden out of nowhere like 15 or 16 kids come up to us and start talking and showing off and racing and having a good time with us BIG missionaries hahaha. pretty much everykid in the neighborhood was there by the end of it. haha We stayed and watched them show off and we played games with them and while we are playing with them veronica comes out and of course she uses the lame excuse of "Oh Sorry I am making tortillas right now" even though we didnt even say anything to her hahaha. well it goes well and we had to leave but now everytime we go back all the kids wave and say hi and come and talk to us and its really kinda funny because all the adults are like giving us kinda the who are these guys look but all the kids are so funny and cute and we feel so Loved. I know good things are going to come from this! Well I dont have much time left so I love you and I hope you enjoy this letter expect a package in the mail. LOVE YOU ALL
Once again another week has gone by with the swiftness of a gazelle and much has happened. To start, like always I want to thank you for all the nice letters. THey are super importante out here as they remind me of why I came out and that I always have a family who loves and supports me. Thanks. As for the money issue with me I might need some more money on my card because this week i had to pay for new bike tires and I had to get my bike fixed. I had tried everything to fix it on my own but my brakes were just messed up and because the brakes are so important I thought maybe i should just get this fixed. haha And the money came off my card because I have to make it through the month on my jp morgan with food. And now that i weigh a little more I eat quite a bit more so food is rather important. hahaha But I really am happy everything is going so swell and that life is still exciting back there in az haha I love reading all the stories and hearing how you all are doing.
As for me and how things are going here, Things are pretty great. My comp and I are like best friends and we enjoy going out everyday and we push each other to become better so its quite the relationship. Not to mention we now have hit the point where wrestling matches after planning are almost inevitable. haha Its a pretty fair fight because he is a farm boy and has quite a bit of weight and strength over me but I have the moves. haha so good times good times. We work and we work and we work and then we plan and then we are out the door and we work. haha its crazy because these past six weeks have gone by too fast. We both are hoping for a couple more transfers together, which I think might happen. I dont know too much about it all I know is that in my presidents interview he told us he wanted me and elder larson to start the twelve week program which is the program for all the new missionaries coming in so either we train of me and elder larson have twelve more weeks together! Score! haha As for the Other missionaries here things are awesome. I love all of them and I really think it will make me so sad to leave this language zone when I have to. But asides from that the work is going well. We are finding and teaching many new people and we are starting to get into the second lessons with some of them but we are yet to get some confirmed and stable people. Like I said when my last comp left I had three people to work with. Lupita who was baptized and jose who we are really working on and Glielber who is an eternigator or someone who will never change and progress but listens to the lessons. So Not much let me tell ya. haha But now we have about 7 progressing investigators with about 15 or 16 investigators and about 30 or more potentials who told us we could come back. haha We are actually starting to get to the point where we are getting about 3 or 4 lessons a day instead of 1 or 2 and I am aiming to have about 5 to 6 so we are really trying to buckle down and get some serious work done. haha Its awesome because this area that I am in used to be despised I guess haha because it was soo slow or something at least thats what all the other missionaries say. But now things are awesome and we are finding and the ward is picking up and things are really starting to move along. We just Baptized Lupita Guillen and now we have a baptismal date with rachel Perez (15 year old girl who has been progressing like soo slowly.) and with this lady named marina who is very difficult to get to actually do stuff because she has an autistic child named jacklyn and she has no car and she works at the mall. So things are tricky with her but she said she wants to be baptized and that she recieved an answer to her prayers. sooo We are working very hard with her. We also are working with This guy named Jose Dirienzo. he is 18 and is kinda a skater punk partier but we were talking to him this week and we discovered that he really is kinda depressed because he doesnt like doing those things but its what all his friends do and he doesnt like to drink so his friends make fun of him and then after all that he has to take care of them at the end of the night. So it really kinda stinks for him. We talked with him for like two hours but by the end he was all happy and super positive and was like when are you guys coming back? haha so cool things come to those who listen. Asides from that we have some other investigators that were progressing but for the past little while we have had some trouble finding time to get with them. But With the other investigators who are not yet considered progressing (which is only because we have only had a first lesson with them) but the cool thing is is that they are families not just ones or twos but like 3 or 4 and we are super excited to get working with them! The lord guides us when we are trying our best. haha As for a story I have quite a tale for you all. So there we were riding around trying to get some return appts set with some of our potentials and then as we ride up to veronicas house we are stopped by her little boy jose who i have pictures of. He is a little nugget just like clay was and I serious think he is the most awesome kid ever. haha Well he is the son of veronica and he decides he wants to show us all his shoes and a bunch of his toys. So were being shown all these things and all of a sudden out of nowhere like 15 or 16 kids come up to us and start talking and showing off and racing and having a good time with us BIG missionaries hahaha. pretty much everykid in the neighborhood was there by the end of it. haha We stayed and watched them show off and we played games with them and while we are playing with them veronica comes out and of course she uses the lame excuse of "Oh Sorry I am making tortillas right now" even though we didnt even say anything to her hahaha. well it goes well and we had to leave but now everytime we go back all the kids wave and say hi and come and talk to us and its really kinda funny because all the adults are like giving us kinda the who are these guys look but all the kids are so funny and cute and we feel so Loved. I know good things are going to come from this! Well I dont have much time left so I love you and I hope you enjoy this letter expect a package in the mail. LOVE YOU ALL
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