Happy New Years! Y Bienvenidos a la carta electronico de yo.
Well like always this week was awesome. We had an awesome new years and we had some sweet lessons and I even got to go skating this week. hahaha. He is actually district leader right now which is why I was on an exchange with him this week. We have to do exchanges each transfer with the DL because they get trained on how to help us with our studies and such and so this week we were super excited to get to spend Monday night, all of Tuesday and Wednesday morning together. And that is how I got to skate this week. They have an investigator who skates and I had told them that I knew a little bit about it so off we go. It was way fun but I am way rusty hahaha. Only bad part was that the skate park got rained out so we had to skate on the street which was still fun but not nearly as good as the park. But while we were there we also visited a couple other people and had and awesome breakfast for dinner by a man who owns a restaurant in Chicago. mmmm way good and I left very "Husky" hahaha. Then on Wednesday it was back with Elder Clark and we went far out to see our recent converts and after we had to visit a couple of members so that day was pretty bad and slow considering only one lesson counted hahaa. Not to mention things had gone bad on Monday and Elder Clark and Sukhon had a rotten case of luck in the which no lessons were taught. So for Thursday we got to work and we ended up getting 7 lessons in one day. We did not stop all day and the lord kept helping us get into every house we went to. It was awesome. Then Friday was another four lessons in which we pretty much dropped Ramon because he we gave him the option of either setting a date or being dropped. He told us to not come over for a week and then next Sunday he would have decided. So fasting and prayers will come in handy. But it was really sad because he loves us as missionaries and we really have come to love him and care a lot for him. Hopefully it works out all right. Then luckily that night we were looking for a referrals house and while trying to find it we ran into like 6 guys who were all living in the same house because they all are seasonal pickers and they invited us in and all sat around while we taught them a little bit about our divine message. It went pretty well and we set a return appt for sometime this week so I will keep ya posted on how it is going. Now New Years Eve was sweet and It was the first time I got a big ol Mexican food slap in the face. haha We went out and visited quite a few members and we had some awesome lessons one of which was with the Deleon family which is really special to us because the wife loves us and we got her little boy to want to be baptized and now her husband is coming to church every week and we asked him about baptism and he told us he had been waiting for us to ask him that question. Apparently we need to tune our ears a little bit better. haha He said he expects to be doing it soon. We couldn’t set a date but after like 15 years of being around and denying it he now says he feels like its something interesting and very important. Wow how cool and when we talked to his wife she started crying because she said it meant so much to her that her family is changing and becoming something so great. It was such an experience one I won’t ever forget. It really reminded me of how special our family is. We are all strong unshakeable members of the true church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints and because of that we all know that we can make it back and be together for the eternities. It doesn’t hit you until you see another family that didn’t have that and now are so close to obtaining it. How special and blessed we are to have the blessings of the temple and to be sealed as a family. After the Deleon's we went to Chito (Straightup gtown mexicano, married a Juarez and just got the Melchizedek priesthood, awesome guy, also gave me my jersey, works in the slaughter house) and there we ate pig. Deep fried and juicy pig. Not just like ham or anything they bought a whole pig and cut it up and ate just about every part of it. I only got to try a little of it because we came a little late but I did get to eat the skin of the pig and no it wasn’t chicharones (pig skins that are super crispy like chips) it was still soft and you kinda had to rip at it a little and there was still some fat under the top layer but it was way good! I also got a few chunks of meat that had to be at least 70 percent fat. I couldn’t even see any meat on it! haha deep fried fat. mmmmmmmmmm Then we actually decided to go over to Ramón’s and surprise him with a soda we bought him and a box of mexican cookies that he loves so we could help him enjoy the new year. IT was fun and I think it was what he needed because I really think we are the best friends he has right now and so us leaving and not coming is being pretty hard on him. But we have explained that as missionaries we are here to find the people ready to be baptized and if he cant even set a date after 1 month and a half or more of teaching we have to use our time else where especially when we have visited him every day for the past month and a half. Then we had to call it an early night on new years so as to avoid the locitos on the road who are looking to mess around with the guys in white shirts and ties. haha So New Years was awesome.
Then on Sunday we had a great sacrament meeting and they asked me to give a talk on the mission plan we are trying to implement. They asked me 5 min before sacrament meeting starts and told me to go no longer or no shorter than 5 min. I guess I did alright because president Martinez gave me a pound as I left the pulpit. hahaha He is awesome and now we are studying the Book of Mormon and he is like an encyclopedia of scriptural knowledge. He has such a burning blazing testimony and I want one like it so bad so I have begun my dive to a bottomless pit of knowledge and doctrine. haha in other words I have decided to use study time for only the Book of Mormon. Depending on what heavenly father wants me to study of course. But we are working hard and doing our best and we actually ended up getting a little over twenty lessons this week (which is our goal because an apostle promised if we get twenty lessons a week we will get baptisms) even though we had an exchange a district meeting and interviews with President Summerhayes which took all day Friday. Like we didn’t get home till like 6 at night. Oh also on New Years, at twelve at night I get a phone call from this guy in our branch who is less active and he decided I am the guy to talk to about the breakup he just had with his pregnant wife for about an hour. So half asleep I try to be the best friend he needed and still be nice about his wife who is also our friend. I think that was another instant where heavenly father gave me a little charity. hahaha
Well I was soo excited to read all the letters and to hear how everything is going. I know you guys have probably had an awesome week off and some sweet holidays. I am sorry to hear that some people did not get a wand! Next year you both had better beg Santa panda for one so you can begin to practice for the wizard duels we shall all have some day. I love you guys and miss you soo very much. I wish I had more time to write but like always I am out of time. I honestly have come to realize that if I want to be obedient the only way to get you guys’ personal letters is to write them SO I might just have to start doing that instead. I miss you all and love ya tons, But I also love being out here and doing this work it is special to me. Keep me in your prayers and keep praying for all those people I mention even if you don’t know what to pray them. haha
Well like always this week was awesome. We had an awesome new years and we had some sweet lessons and I even got to go skating this week. hahaha. He is actually district leader right now which is why I was on an exchange with him this week. We have to do exchanges each transfer with the DL because they get trained on how to help us with our studies and such and so this week we were super excited to get to spend Monday night, all of Tuesday and Wednesday morning together. And that is how I got to skate this week. They have an investigator who skates and I had told them that I knew a little bit about it so off we go. It was way fun but I am way rusty hahaha. Only bad part was that the skate park got rained out so we had to skate on the street which was still fun but not nearly as good as the park. But while we were there we also visited a couple other people and had and awesome breakfast for dinner by a man who owns a restaurant in Chicago. mmmm way good and I left very "Husky" hahaha. Then on Wednesday it was back with Elder Clark and we went far out to see our recent converts and after we had to visit a couple of members so that day was pretty bad and slow considering only one lesson counted hahaa. Not to mention things had gone bad on Monday and Elder Clark and Sukhon had a rotten case of luck in the which no lessons were taught. So for Thursday we got to work and we ended up getting 7 lessons in one day. We did not stop all day and the lord kept helping us get into every house we went to. It was awesome. Then Friday was another four lessons in which we pretty much dropped Ramon because he we gave him the option of either setting a date or being dropped. He told us to not come over for a week and then next Sunday he would have decided. So fasting and prayers will come in handy. But it was really sad because he loves us as missionaries and we really have come to love him and care a lot for him. Hopefully it works out all right. Then luckily that night we were looking for a referrals house and while trying to find it we ran into like 6 guys who were all living in the same house because they all are seasonal pickers and they invited us in and all sat around while we taught them a little bit about our divine message. It went pretty well and we set a return appt for sometime this week so I will keep ya posted on how it is going. Now New Years Eve was sweet and It was the first time I got a big ol Mexican food slap in the face. haha We went out and visited quite a few members and we had some awesome lessons one of which was with the Deleon family which is really special to us because the wife loves us and we got her little boy to want to be baptized and now her husband is coming to church every week and we asked him about baptism and he told us he had been waiting for us to ask him that question. Apparently we need to tune our ears a little bit better. haha He said he expects to be doing it soon. We couldn’t set a date but after like 15 years of being around and denying it he now says he feels like its something interesting and very important. Wow how cool and when we talked to his wife she started crying because she said it meant so much to her that her family is changing and becoming something so great. It was such an experience one I won’t ever forget. It really reminded me of how special our family is. We are all strong unshakeable members of the true church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints and because of that we all know that we can make it back and be together for the eternities. It doesn’t hit you until you see another family that didn’t have that and now are so close to obtaining it. How special and blessed we are to have the blessings of the temple and to be sealed as a family. After the Deleon's we went to Chito (Straightup gtown mexicano, married a Juarez and just got the Melchizedek priesthood, awesome guy, also gave me my jersey, works in the slaughter house) and there we ate pig. Deep fried and juicy pig. Not just like ham or anything they bought a whole pig and cut it up and ate just about every part of it. I only got to try a little of it because we came a little late but I did get to eat the skin of the pig and no it wasn’t chicharones (pig skins that are super crispy like chips) it was still soft and you kinda had to rip at it a little and there was still some fat under the top layer but it was way good! I also got a few chunks of meat that had to be at least 70 percent fat. I couldn’t even see any meat on it! haha deep fried fat. mmmmmmmmmm Then we actually decided to go over to Ramón’s and surprise him with a soda we bought him and a box of mexican cookies that he loves so we could help him enjoy the new year. IT was fun and I think it was what he needed because I really think we are the best friends he has right now and so us leaving and not coming is being pretty hard on him. But we have explained that as missionaries we are here to find the people ready to be baptized and if he cant even set a date after 1 month and a half or more of teaching we have to use our time else where especially when we have visited him every day for the past month and a half. Then we had to call it an early night on new years so as to avoid the locitos on the road who are looking to mess around with the guys in white shirts and ties. haha So New Years was awesome.
Then on Sunday we had a great sacrament meeting and they asked me to give a talk on the mission plan we are trying to implement. They asked me 5 min before sacrament meeting starts and told me to go no longer or no shorter than 5 min. I guess I did alright because president Martinez gave me a pound as I left the pulpit. hahaha He is awesome and now we are studying the Book of Mormon and he is like an encyclopedia of scriptural knowledge. He has such a burning blazing testimony and I want one like it so bad so I have begun my dive to a bottomless pit of knowledge and doctrine. haha in other words I have decided to use study time for only the Book of Mormon. Depending on what heavenly father wants me to study of course. But we are working hard and doing our best and we actually ended up getting a little over twenty lessons this week (which is our goal because an apostle promised if we get twenty lessons a week we will get baptisms) even though we had an exchange a district meeting and interviews with President Summerhayes which took all day Friday. Like we didn’t get home till like 6 at night. Oh also on New Years, at twelve at night I get a phone call from this guy in our branch who is less active and he decided I am the guy to talk to about the breakup he just had with his pregnant wife for about an hour. So half asleep I try to be the best friend he needed and still be nice about his wife who is also our friend. I think that was another instant where heavenly father gave me a little charity. hahaha
Well I was soo excited to read all the letters and to hear how everything is going. I know you guys have probably had an awesome week off and some sweet holidays. I am sorry to hear that some people did not get a wand! Next year you both had better beg Santa panda for one so you can begin to practice for the wizard duels we shall all have some day. I love you guys and miss you soo very much. I wish I had more time to write but like always I am out of time. I honestly have come to realize that if I want to be obedient the only way to get you guys’ personal letters is to write them SO I might just have to start doing that instead. I miss you all and love ya tons, But I also love being out here and doing this work it is special to me. Keep me in your prayers and keep praying for all those people I mention even if you don’t know what to pray them. haha
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