Hola Familia otra vez!
Well well well it was ever so pleasant to chat and gabble with you all yesterday. I did find my fancies tickled in ever such a peculiar way. It was the weirdest thing watching you all go off the screen especially because dad was still talking when I hit the button hahahaha. Sorry dad. I just couldn’t believe that I had already made it to the first time when I would get to call my family! It has been soooo long, beautiful but long. Well first to get some business out of the way. Yes everything you sent was awesome and is going to work out great. The shirts all fit, the pants are just the right size and waist, I loved both of the books and I was so very grateful for them. I was happy you sent The Giving Tree seeing as it is also one of my favorites. But I do want to say that I really miss you guys and that all of you look super good. The little girls look so grown up and Clay is a beast soon to be like unto the statue of David (but with more than a leaf) and mom you always look pretty, and dad is still my dad peter pan. You seriously are the best family ever. I also liked how everyone got wands. However I must have been backfired upon by my obliviate spell and now the wands belonging to Chelsey and Cassie have slipped my mind. One is ginnys? and the other I cannot recall. So please inform me of this serious situation so I may again begin to live in comfort. Also I will send back the glasses with the case along with my memory card. So please send the other guy out pronto. Now as for how things went this week and what is coming up in the future. Transfers are on the 17 of January. I personally prophesy to stay here for a very very long time. This I do because there are no new missionaries who speak Spanish coming in for a very very long time. Neither are there any leaving. Elder Clark thinks he is out of here this transfer and he hopes to head to Tampa. That could very well be true. I will keep you posted especially because this is something I have become very fond of. Making predictions. It’s weird how people react when you predict something they don’t want. It’s like you are spitting filth at them . hahaha just makes it all the more interesting because the Lord has his plan and no one can change it. So I don’t get why we need to be bothered. But I do like to see if I can guess what is going to happen. As for this week things are going pretty good. Like I explained we are doing alright. We need to find again and get some NEW people going. We are still increasing but it will take quite a while to see some of these baptisms through. And personally I am here to find the people the lord has prepared for me not the ones who need to be prepared. I don’t mean I skip ya if you aren’t getting baptized right away but we use our judgment and ask Heavenly Father for His help to know what to do and right now it is all up to finding new. Really it was a slow week but I did find out why Hermano Juarez won’t go to church which he has never told anyone yet. It’s his pride. He told me sometimes in the church he cries because he feels the spirit and he doesn’t like to cry in front of people because it makes him look weak. Well it sounds like a dumb excuse but this is coming from a guy whose whole life was about having other people fear him. He was picked on a lot and he had to defend a lot of people and so his reputation had to be "don’t mess with me." I understand and we realize that it will come in time and right now we are just working to explain that power comes from the spirit and feeling the spirit is a way of becoming more powerful and then maybe give him example of great heroes that were filled so full with the spirit that they were overwhelmed. Things like that. We got to eat lots of tamales this week because they are Mexican tradition around Christmas time. And let me tell ya I had some pretty delicious ones. Most of this week was a lot of less actives and a few investigators because it was Christmas and we were sharing the message of His birth with everyone. Plus many people were gone so that made it just a little harder. But all in all things were great. I don’t have much time left so I will just say that I love you a ton and I miss every one of you. I hope everything was good and fun and that you really enjoyed this Christmas. It was special for me and I really hope it was for you. You are the best family in the whole zaboomafo-altion.
PS Another desire of my heart was answered this week when we had the opportunity to save a Christmas. This family had a fire in their house and had been moved to some shabby ol apartment like 2 days before Christmas. So doing everything we could to help them out we gave them a ton of goodies and my Christmas tree and a couple other things. I am just really appreciative that Heavenly Father keeps on giving me these opportunities. They are great and help me to remember who is my God and that he loves me soo much.
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