Well dear ol family of mine who I cherish so dearly I am quite sorry to tell you that I am short on time today. We had a breakfast with a member who was halfway to Sebring where we planned on spending the day and then we had to go somewhere else to use the computers and now I have to hurry because Elder berry hasn’t even started his email yet. SO Lightning question round! Mom I am doing great and eating a lot. I actually have had 3 members tell me I am looking more heavier and like a man. haha Also the card is on the way. I have found a way to send them online but of course I have no time today so expect them later. I really apologize for the delay and realize my laziness all these things will be taken care of shortly. Dad as for my comp we are great and I am quite sure that it was divinely inspired. I think now that time has passed and a couple key things happened we will become great friends. He is hypoglycemic. Meaning he can’t eat sugar almost at all because it sends him on a ride of emotion and anger and tiredness and unfocus. It’s the opposite of diabetes. So I can see a change in him and a light that comes from the hope he has, because before he thought he was just going crazy.Well Things here are going awesome. We only got 16 lessons this week but a lot of the time was spent getting to know members and we had some rotten luck with some set appts but we have only grown in our desire to obtain our goals again. Something cool is that elder berry and I can both speak Spanish well and we understand what people are saying. So we can have some awesome and powerful lessons which definitely happened this week. There was one lesson with Elena where we asked just the right questions and she started to cry and by the end she was just saying that she wanted to be baptized and she was soo happy. I really can’t even explain the joy that comes from knowing that you actually were a tool in the hand of god for a short time and that you were able to carry out a work that seemed so impossible. We also did catch up with the Olmos family and they like us so much that the mother asked us to come over for dinner so we could try her best meals. haha Blessing coming and comin. We also were able to do service where we painted a house and helped move a guy out which took all day but I was able to establish the relationships I need to get into ALL the Juarez households. haha if that makes sense. It is just more likely that we will be invited over because apparently they like me and elder berry a lot. It really has been a super fun week and we found a new less active to work with who has 7 kids and none of them are baptized so we are excited and she seems to like us and she seems to be changing little by little. However I really do have to go. I feel so sad that I can’t fill you in very much or send you my pics or very much this week but it sufficeth me to say that the work is going forward and that I am happy and progressing every day. I love what I am doing and your prayers are working. I get to see them every day! I love you and miss you sooooo much you are the best family in the whole zorrodeldesierto-altion (that’s my nickname here) (means desert fox)
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