Buenas dias Mi familia grande que quiero mucho!
Well it has been quite the week and we have been blessed to make the goal of 20 lessons. We have seen many a changes and we are super excited for the things to come. I can promise you all that this is the greatest adventure ever! haha I just love serving and being out here and doing the work. It brings satisfaction on a level that not many can comprehend. What a blessing it is! haha Well To start off, thank you for all the wonderful and awesome emails that you guys wrote. Like I always say they help in more ways than you know especially because it’s hard for me to write you guys and such. But I do have a plan and I just have to put it into action so you guys can expect letters soon.
Well it has been quite the week and we have been blessed to make the goal of 20 lessons. We have seen many a changes and we are super excited for the things to come. I can promise you all that this is the greatest adventure ever! haha I just love serving and being out here and doing the work. It brings satisfaction on a level that not many can comprehend. What a blessing it is! haha Well To start off, thank you for all the wonderful and awesome emails that you guys wrote. Like I always say they help in more ways than you know especially because it’s hard for me to write you guys and such. But I do have a plan and I just have to put it into action so you guys can expect letters soon.
Mom and Dad how great that you got to go out and enjoy your anniversary. I really think that is something that doesn’t usually happen with many couples. I have got to see a lot of that lately and it’s funny how many times we as missionaries have had to give advice to couples who couldn’t seem to make it work. We are actually working with a couple right now. Vicki and Cesar and then the other is Weo and Amanda. Vicki and Cesar are way worse though than Weo and Amanda but they are prego and have a daughter together. It’s really quite sad. I am so happy that you guys have a great marriage and that it is one that has been sealed in the temple.
As for me this week like I said it went very well. We actually did get back up to 20 lessons a week but quite a few of the lessons we had this week were pretty rough. We had to go back and reteach the word of wisdom to a few of our members. Not to mention another discovery channel episode tried to explain how we are polygamists to our new members. haha It really has been quite the week. I also am now off the mass gainer that I have been taking for probably the past month. It came to me in a serious whippin that I should not be taking it anymore. Let me explain. So I take two shakes each day one in the morning and one at night. both with 2 percent milk and about 2-3 tablespoons of peanut butter. So each drink ranges in from about 800 to 1000 calories and about 160 carbs and about 65 grams of protein-- with all of the other necessary things in order to do some serious growing. hahaha well lets just say that these drinks make one feel very full. Most very full indeed. like after little mimis full. And I got to feel like that everyday for a month. haha Well on top of that I think Heavenly Father was like "oh you wanna gain weight eh? well here it comes!" haha We have been given so much food! Everywhere we go now they feed and feed and feed us. "Elder are you sure you don’t want anymore? Why are you so slow at eating? Eat up eat up. We made so much so you guys could eat as much as you could." Yea its love and that feels good but not when you are consistently full and then you have to somehow find room to squish all their food down and not to mention a lot of it. Really we did not get fed very much until the day I started mass gainer. Like it really is like a joke. Well I think Heavenly Father really wanted me to quit pretty bad though because I had an experience that would lead me to believe he really wanted it. There we were at the infamous OLMOS house. They are doing awesome and are starting to try to come to church kinda... but we know we are doing good because they are not members and they invited us to come and eat with them. So we come over and have a lesson and then they invite us in. now let me explain the background. Not two hours before I had pounded 3 beefy 5 layer burritos and I had drank the other half of the mass gainer I had not been able to finish that morning. Well I don’t really know what I was thinking but I thought I could just digest in two hours worth of time. The answer to that myth is no. I entered that house full to the brim. Not stuffed but definitely content. haha Well for dinner they decide to serve enchiladas which were delicious but she gives me four enchiladas and a heaping side of beans and rice. So I start, now you must know that missionaries have to learn talent with eating. We have to eat quick but well paced other wise you could probably kill yourself. hahaha jk but you will leave sick or with an upset investigator/member. So I make it through my first two enchiladas pretty quickly and then the third but by the fourth I was reaching stuffed beyond stuffed. Well I somehow get it down and start to look at the beans as they whisper "my little pretty you’ll never be able to eat us!" Well that of course gives me courage so I plunge my fork in them when all of a sudden two more enchiladas drop on my plate like an atomic bomb. "Eat up elder!" :()
Well I can honestly say my heart sank and I had no idea what to do. I started on the enchiladas hoping to at least finish the main part before I took on the heaping pile of side dishes. I get though but just barely.... It’s at this point that I start to go a little crazy and very quiet as my head starts to churn with thoughts of "How do I get out of here?" Well it came to me that I must suffer through these beans and rice. I decide it is time to pray because this is a crisis. This is a family who will be baptized hopefully and they have so much family that it would be like a whole new city in the church overnight, so they cant be offended but at the same time my stomach was about to just blow. It was to the point where everything tasted horrible. I just realized the only way I am getting through this is with his help. So I pray and promise to quit mass gainer for the time being if he will help me make it through this. Also you must know I am breathing very heavily. Well I don’t know how but bite by bite by bite the pile starts to disappear. I really think that the food was disappearing on its own because there was no way I could have done it. We finally make it through and guess what she offers us dessert! It’s at this point that I exclaim that we have another appt to which we are late to and as politely as I could I ask if we could take it with us. She says sure and off we go. me about on the edge of death due to overeating and my body trying to over process and elder berry who had not eaten that much before saying he was hurting from eating so much. Quite the experience and one to never forget. It didn’t even stop hurting until about lunch the next day!
Well for the better parts we are working with Monica and her daughter Elena who have baptismal dates and slowly but surely we are working out every doubt they have. Its funny because we leave and they are so excited to get baptized and then we come back and there is some doubt that has driven them into like a hole of despair so we have to dig them back out and make them excited again. Such is missionary work. We also finally got to get together with the Deleon family again and this time their friends who are part of the (drumroll) OLMOS family were there and we just talked and laughed and shared some awesome scriptures and then afterwards the OLMOS guy told us he would invite us over for some of his barbeque chicken some time. How cool is that? Not to mention we are doing awesome with the Juarez family. Slowly but surely they are changing in a lot of ways. It’s like teaching little kids how to love and show their love and what you do because you love someone. We have family night every Monday night and each time more and more are seriously paying attention and asking questions and saying better comments and not joking so much or they will just straight up say awesome and powerful things about the gospel. We are soo happy for them and are very excited to see where they go. Well really things are going awesome. Elder Berry and I Me are already having lots of fun and enjoying this second time we get to serve together. I love being out here I love what I am doing and I miss all you guys terribly so. Please keep writing even though I don’t. I really will try harder this week to get some out.
As for me this week like I said it went very well. We actually did get back up to 20 lessons a week but quite a few of the lessons we had this week were pretty rough. We had to go back and reteach the word of wisdom to a few of our members. Not to mention another discovery channel episode tried to explain how we are polygamists to our new members. haha It really has been quite the week. I also am now off the mass gainer that I have been taking for probably the past month. It came to me in a serious whippin that I should not be taking it anymore. Let me explain. So I take two shakes each day one in the morning and one at night. both with 2 percent milk and about 2-3 tablespoons of peanut butter. So each drink ranges in from about 800 to 1000 calories and about 160 carbs and about 65 grams of protein-- with all of the other necessary things in order to do some serious growing. hahaha well lets just say that these drinks make one feel very full. Most very full indeed. like after little mimis full. And I got to feel like that everyday for a month. haha Well on top of that I think Heavenly Father was like "oh you wanna gain weight eh? well here it comes!" haha We have been given so much food! Everywhere we go now they feed and feed and feed us. "Elder are you sure you don’t want anymore? Why are you so slow at eating? Eat up eat up. We made so much so you guys could eat as much as you could." Yea its love and that feels good but not when you are consistently full and then you have to somehow find room to squish all their food down and not to mention a lot of it. Really we did not get fed very much until the day I started mass gainer. Like it really is like a joke. Well I think Heavenly Father really wanted me to quit pretty bad though because I had an experience that would lead me to believe he really wanted it. There we were at the infamous OLMOS house. They are doing awesome and are starting to try to come to church kinda... but we know we are doing good because they are not members and they invited us to come and eat with them. So we come over and have a lesson and then they invite us in. now let me explain the background. Not two hours before I had pounded 3 beefy 5 layer burritos and I had drank the other half of the mass gainer I had not been able to finish that morning. Well I don’t really know what I was thinking but I thought I could just digest in two hours worth of time. The answer to that myth is no. I entered that house full to the brim. Not stuffed but definitely content. haha Well for dinner they decide to serve enchiladas which were delicious but she gives me four enchiladas and a heaping side of beans and rice. So I start, now you must know that missionaries have to learn talent with eating. We have to eat quick but well paced other wise you could probably kill yourself. hahaha jk but you will leave sick or with an upset investigator/member. So I make it through my first two enchiladas pretty quickly and then the third but by the fourth I was reaching stuffed beyond stuffed. Well I somehow get it down and start to look at the beans as they whisper "my little pretty you’ll never be able to eat us!" Well that of course gives me courage so I plunge my fork in them when all of a sudden two more enchiladas drop on my plate like an atomic bomb. "Eat up elder!" :()
Well I can honestly say my heart sank and I had no idea what to do. I started on the enchiladas hoping to at least finish the main part before I took on the heaping pile of side dishes. I get though but just barely.... It’s at this point that I start to go a little crazy and very quiet as my head starts to churn with thoughts of "How do I get out of here?" Well it came to me that I must suffer through these beans and rice. I decide it is time to pray because this is a crisis. This is a family who will be baptized hopefully and they have so much family that it would be like a whole new city in the church overnight, so they cant be offended but at the same time my stomach was about to just blow. It was to the point where everything tasted horrible. I just realized the only way I am getting through this is with his help. So I pray and promise to quit mass gainer for the time being if he will help me make it through this. Also you must know I am breathing very heavily. Well I don’t know how but bite by bite by bite the pile starts to disappear. I really think that the food was disappearing on its own because there was no way I could have done it. We finally make it through and guess what she offers us dessert! It’s at this point that I exclaim that we have another appt to which we are late to and as politely as I could I ask if we could take it with us. She says sure and off we go. me about on the edge of death due to overeating and my body trying to over process and elder berry who had not eaten that much before saying he was hurting from eating so much. Quite the experience and one to never forget. It didn’t even stop hurting until about lunch the next day!
Well for the better parts we are working with Monica and her daughter Elena who have baptismal dates and slowly but surely we are working out every doubt they have. Its funny because we leave and they are so excited to get baptized and then we come back and there is some doubt that has driven them into like a hole of despair so we have to dig them back out and make them excited again. Such is missionary work. We also finally got to get together with the Deleon family again and this time their friends who are part of the (drumroll) OLMOS family were there and we just talked and laughed and shared some awesome scriptures and then afterwards the OLMOS guy told us he would invite us over for some of his barbeque chicken some time. How cool is that? Not to mention we are doing awesome with the Juarez family. Slowly but surely they are changing in a lot of ways. It’s like teaching little kids how to love and show their love and what you do because you love someone. We have family night every Monday night and each time more and more are seriously paying attention and asking questions and saying better comments and not joking so much or they will just straight up say awesome and powerful things about the gospel. We are soo happy for them and are very excited to see where they go. Well really things are going awesome. Elder Berry and I Me are already having lots of fun and enjoying this second time we get to serve together. I love being out here I love what I am doing and I miss all you guys terribly so. Please keep writing even though I don’t. I really will try harder this week to get some out.
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