Friday, May 24, 2013

May 6, 2013

(Just a glimpse of what he might look like when he is older!! --  I love it!)
Querida familia mia!
I have to apologize soo much because I have like no time today due to the fact that I forgot my wallet and now my companions are waiting on me so I have very short time! I will try to get as much as I can! Yes we are skyping. I will have to skype you right before your church time so like 3 or 4 our time which is 12 or 1 your time. We have church at 11:30 to 2:30 our time so we will be running as fast as we can to a members house to be able to skype. I will probably call you on Saturday to fill you all in but be ready if I don’t. I am happy to be coming home. I am very sure that it will be the best thing and I can’t wait to see you guys.
This week was a little slower because we had so many meetings but we did get to see the most important people. Joe hasn’t taught us anything yet but wants to and we hope to do it soon. Mom your Mothers Day gift will be late I am trying to figure everything out but it might come after I get home. :( Well this week Manny lost his job.... But then because he was such a great worker his boss got him another one and he starts today. (They had to fire him because some guy was harassing an old lady and Manny stepped in and pretty much swore the guy out. But man did it humble him! He promised to never lose his temper like that again. Satan works hard but Heavenly Father works harder! haha We also were able to help out our zone a little bit by organizing a huge blitz! It was pretty cool and we taught this black family. Super nice people and I think Heavenly Father made me look like a fool to open their hearts up a little because I asked about this picture on their wall that looked like a drawing of Jesus and I asked about it.... ends up being Bob Marley! hahahaha Then I asked whose daughter was the little girl runnin around.... ends up being a boy. hahahahaha So they are bustin’ up laughing and they tell us we need to come back! So that was really cool and they really liked the peace and blessing we gave them. Sometimes that southern hospitality is just beautiful. Anyways this week was awesome-- I will tell you more about it later on Sunday! I love you and hope to talk to you all soon!

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